Common Mistakes To Avoid When Claiming Tax Depreciation

Finance & Money Blog

Tax depreciation is a valuable benefit for property owners, as it allows them to claim a deduction for the wear and tear of their assets over time. However, claiming tax depreciation is not as simple as it sounds. There are many rules and regulations to follow and many pitfalls to avoid. If you make a mistake when claiming tax depreciation, you could face penalties or miss out on valuable deductions.

12 April 2023

Top Tips for Preparing an Exhaustive Tax Depreciation

Finance & Money Blog

How would you feel if there was an easier way to prepare your tax depreciation? Most people would jump at the opportunity without thinking twice. The reason is that tax depreciation requires a careful approach, and failure to observe laid-down regulations can lead to massive fines. Moreover, when calculated and documented accordingly, tax depreciation can reduce the overall tax payable to the government. This article, therefore, highlights top tax depreciation tips every property owner must know.

25 September 2019

Electronic Filing Using Tax Prep Software: New Trends in 2019


Over the years, more individuals and businesses alike have realised that electronic filing is the way to go. Using tax software to prepare your returns is more efficient and less costly and results in bigger refunds. In fact, many tax software companies have been looking for ways to make their platforms more interactive and easier to use for e-filers. When e-filing first launched, the software in use to file was often slow, buggy and difficult to navigate.

26 February 2019

How Can You Legally Reduce Your Tax Liability if You're Facing a Cash Crunch?


When you're in business, you face a never-ending stream of invoices and have to pay for your services on time if you're going to maintain a good reputation. Sometimes, this can cause a cash flow "crunch," especially when some of those larger bills all come along at the same time. You may be facing such a challenge in the near future as you need to send a sizeable cheque off to the tax authorities.

24 January 2019

All You Need to Know about Public Liability Insurance

Finance & Money Blog

Public liability insurance is an insurance policy that covers you in case a client or a third party individual is injured on your business premises or is harmed by your products. It is important to note that the policy only covers third parties and does not cover business owners and their employees. A public liability cover will pay the medical costs of the injured individual and settle legal fees if the injured person goes to court.

3 January 2019